About the project

The Youth Wiki is Europe’s online encyclopedia in the area of national youth policies. The platform is a comprehensive database on national structures, policies and actions supporting young people. It covers the ten main fields of action identified in the 2019-2027 EU Youth Strategy: Youth Policy Governance, Voluntary Activities, Employment & Entrepreneurship, Social Inclusion, Participation, Education and Training, Health and Well-Being, Creativity and Culture, Youth and the World, Youth Work. Currently, 34 countries participate in the Network.

The main objective of the Youth Wiki is to promote European cooperation in the field of youth and to support evidence-based decision making. It achieves this by providing coherent, reliable and comparable information on national policies in support of young people, in a user-friendly and easy-to-update way. The information is provided, and annually updated, by designated national correspondents (NCs). The University of West Attica (UNIWA) has been appointed since 2021 as National Correspondent for Greece by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs and in 2023 by the Hellenic Ministry of Social Cohesion and Family.

The overall purpose of the Youth Wiki is to help the European Commission and Member States in their decision making, by providing information on state of play reforms and initiatives. The information is essentially qualitative, and allows for the analysis of reforms and trends in policy orientations in the participating countries. The main source of information are official documents originating from national top-level authorities in the youth field, i.e. the authorities with responsibility for youth policy in each country. NCs also refer to studies, surveys, analyses or assessments/evaluations conducted directly by public authorities or commissioned to research centers, experts, think-tanks and the like.

The Youth Wiki is supported by the EU Erasmus+ Programme.