Research Results ΕΥΥ

Research results EYY

An important part of the deliverables and the legacy of the European Year of Youth 2022 (EYY2022) are the results of surveys, which were carried out in 2022 throughout Greece, with a target group of young people of the country, aged 15-29. To carry them out, the National Implementation Planning and Monitoring Committee of EYY2022 collaborated with the Political Research Institute of the National Center for Social Research (EKKE), the Hellenic Society for Local Development and Self-Government (EETAA) and the UNICEF Office in Greece.


The surveys were carried out in 4 thematic areas, in relation to the axes of the EU Youth Strategy. For a summary of the research, you can refer to the e-brochure of the General Secretariat for Vocational Education, Training, Lifelong Learning and Youth (GSVETLL&Y), in English Youth, Europe, Democracy

In more details, the surveys included the following topics:


  1. “Young people and Europe: How young people perceive Europe and their identity within it – Sustainable Development Goals and young people”, having as main subject the exploration of the identity of young people, their expectations from Europe and the way in which their national and European identity is composed.

  Find the survey results here:


  1. “Perception of democracy in school decision-making”, research aimed at exploring the perceptions of 2nd and 3rd grade high school students on the concept of Democracy in school life. The purpose of the study is to capture and explore the opinions of students on the institution of Student Councils, as well as other forms of their participation in decision-making that determine school life.

   Find the survey results here:

 See the policy proposals to strengthen democracy in school decision-making and to strengthen the functioning of democracy here:


  1. “Recording good practices of Municipalities that implement European policies for the young men and women who live in their area”, research that attempts, through the mapping of good practices of local self-government, to document the harmonization with European policies for the support of youth.

  Find the results of the survey here: Best practices of Greek Municipalities


  1. “The Mental Health of Adolescents and Young People in the Post-Covid 19 Era”, a poll aiming to focus on the feelings that global crises (financial crisis, pandemic, war) cause in young people living in Greece and to explore their desire to overcome their fears and concerns, while providing information and guidance on mental health support services in the country.

  See the full report here

  See here the results of the poll in presentation format



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